Regrettably, a father experienced the unfortunate loss of his daughter, which he attributes to a purported malfunction of Access Bank’s mobile app.

The occurrence has generated solid public anger and prompted inquiries regarding the dependability of banking technology during crucial circumstances.

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The Mental Cost of Digital Banking

Unable to transfer payments using the Access Bank mobile app, the grieving father said, contributed to his daughter’s death. Medical attention was provided to the child at a local hospital. She was neglected while her parents struggled financially due to the app’s malfunction.

The father, who identified himself as a single parent employed offshore, detailed his terrifying ordeal, saying, “He lost his 9-year-old daughter in a medical emergency due to Access Bank’s @myaccessbank app not working since yesterday.” Many who have had similar issues with the bank’s app reliability shared their sorrow and despair.

Another user on x,@HommieDrey, commented, “ That’s what happens when a nation’s Framework is so bad that they can’t retain their technical experts because they don’t pay them well or value their services enough that they have to leave for other countries and the entire tech infrastructure collapses. 

In the coming years, it will be worse. 

The problem is not just Access Bank; it’s everything that makes Nigeria the Nigeria it is

@Uyotistic_Uyota, a user on the user, stated, “Oh no! Because he was at work with the failing app, the medical personnel refused to perform the surgery. The doctors, too, share ample blame for refusing the surgery. No empathy. Why couldn’t they perform and hold onto the patient afterwards till they got their money?

On the bank app, that’s why online banks are so much better. May her gentle soul rest in peace.

Digital banking mistakes: learn and change

Mobile banking apps’ reliability and security, especially in emergencies, have been raised again by the event. Technology has revolutionised banking, yet examples like this show the risks of digital banking failures.

In a statement, Access Bank said it would thoroughly investigate the incident and offered its condolences to the family. They stressed the stability and security of their mobile banking technology but said there was potential for improvement.

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After the event, some customers said they were sceptical and annoyed about how much the banking system relied on technology. For digital banking, many people want better backup plans.

This terrible case shows how technology can significantly affect people’s lives in life-threatening situations. Today’s digital innovations have made banking more accessible and faster, but they also bring serious risks that must be balanced out.

After losing his daughter, He hopes his story will encourage banks and authorities to rethink digital banking and prioritise reliability and accessibility, especially in life-threatening situations.