Ethio Telecom, a state-owned telecommunication operator, has announced the launch of its pre-commercial 5G services in Addis Ababa. The company has been a pioneer telecom service provider in Ethiopia, enhancing and modernizing telecom services.

Ethio Telecom’s commitment to the country’s socio-economic development has brought the telecommunications operator to the launch of the pre-commercial trial of her 5G service in 6 mobile stations across Addis Ababa.


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Ethio Telecom has been expanding its 3G and 4G networks throughout the nation effectively achieving 97% telecom services coverage, densifying the network, and upgrading the earlier technologies to the latest ones.

Facts About Ethio Telecom 5G Launch.

The fifth-generation network (5G) launched by Ethio Telecom, is characterized by the fastest speed (up to10 gigabytes per second), low latency (less than 1 Ms), and massive communication capability (up to 1 Million connections within 1 km2), can unlock blazing fast speeds in more places, real-time responses, and massive connectivity. With such high speeds, superior reliability, and negligible latency, 5G will impact industries such as mission-critical services requiring real-time decisions, Manufacturing plants, remote Health care, precision Agriculture, self-driving vehicles, IoT, and real-time operations making them all a reality.

Ethio Telecom Press Release

“As part of the pre-commercial trial service, we have begun our service in the Capital and will expand our footprint to regional cities up to 150 sites over the coming 12 months. We shall further roll out 5G sites to more areas based on feasible business demands.
However, our full commercialization of the service is dependent on the readiness and demand from the players in the ecosystem: customers’ readiness to use the service, availability of 5G enabled devices and Smartphones, and the need and readiness of enterprises to use the service.


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Our pre-commercial deployment of the 5G service in Addis Ababa, the capital city of our country and the diplomatic seat of international and continental institutions, is in line with our aspiration to become a preferred operator as well as with our 3 years of growth strategy and technology roadmap. The Ethiopian Communication Authority has furnished us with temporary 5G Spectrum approval to implement while our Strategic Partner Huawei technologies have deployed the 5G network.

This 5G service will provide our customers with best-in-class solutions, improve their experience and allow our enterprise customers to boost productivity, enhance operational efficiency, and introduce new solutions to their customers.” Ethio Telecom said in a press release, on May 09, 2022.

Conditions For Full Commercialisation.

Ethio Telecom has said that full commercialization will depend on “demand from players in the ecosystem”, and the availability of 5G devices, especially smartphones.