Google, the tech giant, has changed the name of its AI model from Bard to Gemini because it added more advanced features to compete with OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

Google said it will now charge for Gemini Advanced, while Bard (Gemini) has always been free. The company says Gemini Advanced will be offered in over 150 countries and territories. For now, though, it will only be available in English.

The business is also releasing a new Gemini app for Android and adding it to the iOS Google app. Google said that users of Android can now use Gemini instead of the Google Assistant.

Read also: Google announces Google Security AI Workbench

Google claim 

Google revealed the name change and advanced functionality on the following day, saying, “Bard has been the best method for consumers to experience our most potent models directly. Bard will become Gemini to reflect its sophisticated tech. The website has 40 languages, and a new Gemini app for Android and the Google app on iOS will include it.

Ultra will improve Gemini Advanced at reasoning, following directions, coding, and creative cooperation. It might be a personalised tutor for your learning style. A creative partner can help you design a content strategy or business plan. This post has further information.

Gemini Advanced can be used by anyone with the new Google One AI Premium package, which bundles Google’s most excellent AI tools. This premium subscription expands Google One’s storage and features.

Google reported that over 1 million individuals use Duet AI capabilities like Help Me Write to boost productivity and creativity. For Google One AI Premium users, Duet AI will become Gemini for Workspace and be available in Gmail, Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Meet.

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Competition drives AI progress.

Open AI, Google’s main AI competitor, showed off the GPT-4 Turbo at its Developer Conference in November. It is a “more powerful” and cheaper version of its primary GPT-4 text-generating AI model. One version of the GPT-4 Turbo only reads text, while the other version reads both text and images and knows what they mean.

Google introduced its new generative AI models in December. These include the top Gemini Ultra, the “lite” Gemini Pro, and the Gemini Nano, which is made to work on phones like the Pixel 8. At the same time, the company added Gemini Pro to Bard so it could have English talks.