If you want to be financially secure and stable, you need to have personal finance management. By keeping tabs on one’s income and expenditures, one can better manage their finances, plan for the future, and achieve their objectives. Debt reduction, emergency fund building, and future investment are all aided by good management. It also helps people maximise their resources, stay away from financial traps, and reach their long-term financial objectives, like saving for a down payment on a house, retirement, or college.

By taking charge of one’s own financial situation, one can alleviate anxiety and stress related to money and gain confidence in one’s financial future. Individuals can improve their financial situation, move closer to their objectives, and ensure a more secure financial future by making personal finance management a top priority. We look at three applications to help you do this.

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Efficient apps for managing Personal Finance

Risevest for Investment

Risevest offers an innovative platform to maximise your finances by investing in Africa’s burgeoning markets. By providing access to high-growth sectors such as technology, agriculture, and renewable energy, Risevest enables investors to tap into the continent’s economic potential. 

The platform simplifies the investment process through user-friendly digital tools, detailed market insights, and a curated selection of investment opportunities. With expert-managed portfolios, Risevest ensures that investments are diversified and aligned with the investor’s risk tolerance and financial goals. 

This approach promotes financial growth and contributes to African communities’ economic development, making it a compelling choice for socially conscious investors looking to expand their portfolio in emerging markets.

PiggVest for Saving

A savings platform with features like these is what PiggyVest, a financial tech company, offers to help people manage their own finances:

Save Automatically: Users can configure PiggyVest to automatically transfer funds from their bank accounts to their savings accounts.

Users have the option to set savings goals, such as paying for a major purchase, saving for a rainy day, or investing for the future.

Fixed Savings: To help its customers build their savings over time, PiggyVest provides a fixed savings plan that pays competitive interest rates.

One option is the “Flex Savings” plan, which lets members put money away and take it out whenever they need it.

Investment options: PiggyVest gives its customers the chance to build their wealth through investments in stocks, real estate, and agriculture.

Budgeting Tools: PiggyVest offers budgeting tools that simplify financial management by allowing users to track their income and expenses.

To encourage its users to save more money, PiggyVest provides savings challenges with incentives.

Security: By collaborating with trustworthy financial institutions and utilising strong encryption technology, PiggyVest guarantees that user funds are safe.

Through the utilisation of these features, PiggyVest assists individuals in establishing a savings habit, accomplishing their financial objectives, and effectively managing their personal finances. 

Mint for Bookkeeping

Mint.com, now owned by Credit Karma, is a free personal finance app that simplifies money management. Its extensive features let consumers manage their funds efficiently.

The app’s easy organisation is notable. It automates data entry by connecting to users’ bank, credit, and investment accounts. Users may easily track their spending with well-categorized transactions.

Mint’s simple UI and tools simplify budgeting. Users can set spending objectives and track them in real-time, and insights into cost-cutting opportunities help them make intelligent financial decisions. It sends timely reminders and information about upcoming payments to help consumers avoid late payments and maintain financial stability.

The app gives US customers access to their free credit score and credit report in the app, allowing them to track their credit health and receive personalised advice on improving it.

Mint lets users define and track financial goals like saving for a dream vacation, retirement, or an emergency fund. The software provides resources to keep users focused and motivated on financial goals. It prioritises security and uses industry-standard methods to protect users’ financial data.

Mint serves budgeters, credit score boosters, and financial information centralisers. It is free and easy to use. However, it lacks bill pay and investment management. However, it is a great place to start for those who want to manage their finances and reach their goals.

Credit Karma’s website lets customers download Mint to start their financial empowerment journey.

Instead of struggling with your finances, especially when you are unable to source a financial manager, these apps can keep you going and ensure you make the best financial judgments.

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YNAB for budgeting

Managing your finances effectively is crucial for achieving your financial goals. Whether you want to save more, pay off debt, or simply gain better control over your money, budgeting apps can be powerful tools. 

One budgeting apps available to help you make informed decisions about your finances is YNAB (You Need a Budget) — YNAB follows the zero-based budgeting system, where you plan for every dollar you earn. This approach encourages intentional decision-making about how to allocate your money.

  • The app allows you to link your checking and savings accounts, credit cards, and loans.
  • YNAB provides educational resources to help you learn how to budget effectively.
  • YNAB requires commitment and active involvement in planning your finances.
  • It is relatively expensive compared to other budgeting apps, with a monthly subscription fee of $14.99 or an annual fee of $99.


Contributors: Felicia Akindurodoye, Ibukun Bankole, Modupe Olalere, Olanrewaju Adeniyi, Hauwa Ali