Unauthorised websites have illicitly provided access to Nigerian citizens’ sensitive personal and financial data for as little as 100 Naira, Paradigm Initiative revealed.

This alarming development presents a severe breach of fundamental privacy rights, posing significant risks to individuals and the national economy.

On March 16, 2024, Fij.ng, an online media outlet, published an exposé titled, “ALERT: XpressVerify, a Private Website, Has Access to Registered Nigerians’ Data and Is Making Money From It.” The report detailed how the website www.XpressVerify.com.ng was accessing and commercialising personal data for profit. Although the website was swiftly taken down, Paradigm Initiative is pursuing legal action for Nigerian citizens.

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Continued Violations

Following the XpressVerify incident, further investigation revealed another website, AnyVerify.com.ng, which has been operating since November 2023. AnyVerify.com.ng offers a variety of personal data services, including National Identity Number (NIN), Bank Verification Number (BVN), Driving License, International Passport, Tax Identification Number (TIN), and more. All this data is available for just 100 Naira per request.

Legal Actions and Government Response

In light of these severe implications, Paradigm Initiative, through its legal partners, Vindich Legal, has issued a pre-action notice to several government agencies, including the National Identity Management Commission (NIMC), Nigeria Data Protection Commission (NDPC), and others. The organisation demands immediate investigation and corrective measures to prevent further breaches.

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Critical Concerns of the Data Breach

Privacy Violation

Unauthorised access to personal data is a blatant infringement on the privacy of Nigerian citizens. The dissemination of such information can lead to identity theft, financial fraud, and other malicious activities, including targeting individuals by criminals who purchase data that includes home addresses.

Economic Impact

The availability of sensitive financial data online undermines the stability of Nigeria’s banking system. Fraudulent transactions and identity theft can erode public trust in financial institutions, potentially leading to a financial crisis. Recent findings indicate significant losses suffered by financial institutions in Nigeria due to digital manipulation.

National Security

The breach of driver’s licence information and other personal data can compromise national security. Such information can be exploited by criminal elements for unlawful activities, posing a threat to the safety and security of the nation.