Technology has played a positive role in the empowerment of Northern Nigerian women. In her role as project manager for Nigerian start-up Arewa, Dr Marliyyah Mahmood brings this perspective to the table. Due to technological advancements, women in the West African nation now have more access to a wider array of online alternatives, according to her.

She remarks, “It is hard to overestimate the role of women in the development of any nation, state, or society.”

“This is to reiterate the critical role that women’s education plays in long-term national development, which begins at home. Women are frequently observed to be the children’s first teachers at home.

She adds, “A mother’s influence on upbringing in any developing country, and the empowerment of women, has a significant impact on key developmental outcomes like health, education, reproductive patterns, income level, and other factors.”

Read also: African women are becoming financially independent through digital platforms

According to Mahmood, there are a few main reasons why men and women are regarded differently in the community of northern Nigeria. The majority of these problems arise from the patriarchal system and the lack of gender consciousness that exists in rural regions, particularly among women who have been socialised to accept their inferior standing in society.

“Technology has helped women [in northern Nigeria] affirm their freedom of expression and right to the workforce, which they frequently find difficult to accomplish. This is a really great achievement that shows how it can be utilised to empower those with disadvantaged identities,” she said.

However, since women can now access a greater amount of information online, they are more aware of the world around them. According to Mahmood, today’s women have access to a virtual world where they may freely express themselves via a variety of mediums, including educational information, blogs, films, and the many tools offered by social media platforms.

“Digital platforms are aiming to be more inclusive than ever before in light of the changing political conscience. It is now essential, not simply an option, to guarantee women’s safety, inclusivity, and a voice at all intersections.

She continues, “Through online workspaces, more women have recently been able to achieve financial independence. There are now more jobs available for women thanks to specific job postings on numerous online portals. Housewives or moms who have taken extended absences from the workforce now have access to special possibilities to re-enter the workforce. Many websites provide part-time and full-time occupations that people can undertake from home.”

Technology advancements for northern Nigerian women

A virtual hackathon was hosted in northern Nigeria by Startup AREWA and Financial Service Innovation (FSI). The goal of the event was to assist more women in starting companies by providing them with simple and user-friendly fintech solutions.

The ingenious solutions that were developed as a result of this hackathon were able to be of assistance to female entrepreneurs who either did not have bank accounts or did not have sufficient funds in their accounts.

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Existing Challenges

Even though women now have access to all sorts of newly created opportunities online as a consequence of advancements in technology, according to Marliyyah, it must not be forgotten that having an internet connection is necessary in order to make use of these virtual prospects. This is something that must not be overlooked.

“How many women and members of underrepresented groups actually have access to such technology is still an open subject. To ensure that intersectional gaps are filled and that technology and the internet are more widely available, intervention is necessary in this context,” she says.

Northern Nigerian women can leverage their era and the available technology to change the course of their lives.