With its first update of the year, Telegram has introduced additional message search filters, the ability to convert presents into NFTs, and a new third-party-powered account verification method.

In addition to its program for verifying public figures and organisations on the platform, the chat app has started a project to allow third-party agencies, including educational consortiums or food-quality regulators, to validate accounts that have previously been confirmed.

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A new emblem to replace the blue checkmark

A new emblem will appear next to account names that have been verified by a third party, replacing the previous blue checkmark.

“This decentralised platform for additional verification will help prevent scams and reduce misinformation — with a unique proactive solution that sets a new safety standard for social platforms,” Telegram said in a blog post on Thursday.

To be eligible to get the verified mark, individuals or organisations seeking authentication must first go through verification and fill out an application.

According to Telegram, entities can assign or remove verification via its Bot API. This is similar to how businesses purchase verification on X and validate the accounts they are associated with.

Following verification, the organization’s logo will appear on the profile of these associated profiles.

Read also: Over 15 million offensive channels, groups were removed in 2024: Telegram

Conversion of gifts to NFTs

Additionally, Telegram introduced a method for converting gifts into NFTs with personalised icons and backgrounds.

Telegram Stars, which can be purchased via the app or by connecting their TONNE crypto wallet to the Fragment website, are used by users to send presents.

Users will be able to trade these NFTs across several platforms, according to Telegram.

Notably, to pay for blockchain transaction expenses, Telegram charges users to upgrade their presents to collectibles.

Cryptocurrencies have been utilised by Telegram to pay for games and micro apps on the network as well as to monetise creators.

Additionally, the firm has included new search filters for private chats, group chats, and channels, as well as an emoji reaction option for service notifications, such as someone joining a group.