Togocom will upgrade its infrastructure, expand its 4G network, and improve the quality of its data with the assistance of a €55 million loan from IFC, co-financed by Société Générale Benin and Ecobank Togo, according to reports. 

Togo, a West African nation of about 8 million people, will benefit from a 10-year partnership between IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, and Togocom, a leading mobile operator and  subsidiary of AXIAN Telecom.

Read also: Liquid Dataport, VIPNET to boost internet access in West Africa

Aiming for 95% Population Coverage and Internet Connectivity by 2025

The partnership aligns with Togo’s Digital Transformation Strategy, which aims to provide universal and affordable internet access and connectivity to key facilities, such as schools, health centers, and public offices, by 2025.

The strategy also seeks to foster digital literacy, innovation, and inclusion, as well as create new economic opportunities for the population, especially youth and women.

Cina Lawson, Minister of Digital Economy and Transformation of Togo, said, “The partnership with IFC marks a decisive step to improve access to equipment and high-speed internet and also to generate economic opportunities for our population.”

Serving 38 Million Customers Across Eight African Countries

Togocom is part of AXIAN Telecom, a pan-African group that operates in eight countries, serving around 38 million customers. Togocom is the market leader in Togo, with over 4 million subscribers and a 50% market share.

Pierre Antoine Legagneur, Chief Executive Officer of Togocom, said, “We take great pride in our critical role in advancing the country’s digital transformation and fostering connectivity among all Togolese citizens, spanning from the remotest areas of the broader region. This investment is a testament to our dedication to championing economic development and digitalization in Togo consistently.”

Supporting Digital Transformation in Africa

The IFC, the largest global development institution focused on the private sector in emerging markets, has been supporting digital transformation in Africa by investing in infrastructure, innovation, and inclusion.

Stephanie von Friedeburg, IFC’s Senior Vice President of Operations, said, “IFC is committed to supporting digital transformation in Africa, which is essential for economic growth, job creation, and social development. We are pleased to partner with Togocom, a leading mobile operator in Togo, to help expand internet access and connectivity and enable more people and businesses to benefit from the digital economy.

Togo’s digital transformation plan

With the goal of becoming one of the biggest technology hubs in West Africa by 2025, Togo’s digital transformation strategy is known as “Togo Digital 2025.” The strategy aims to create new economic opportunities for the population, particularly for women and young people, and to provide universal and affordable internet access and connectivity to important facilities, including public offices, health centers, and schools. It also aims to foster inclusion, innovation, and digital literacy. The government, business community, civil society, and international partners like the World Bank and IFC all support the strategy.

Microsoft and Tizeti have partnered to expand high-speed internet access in Nigeria through the Airband program.

How the partnership will foster digital literacy, innovation, and inclusion in Togo

In Togo, the collaboration between IFC and Togocom will promote digital inclusion, innovation, and literacy by:

Giving people access to high-speed internet and connecting them to important locations like public offices, health centers, and schools can help more people take advantage of digital opportunities and services

introducing youth outreach and skill-building initiatives that can offer opportunities, mentorship, and training in digital skills to women, underrepresented groups, and young people.

assisting the Togolese government in implementing its Digital Transformation Strategy, which seeks to foster an environment that is favoriable to digital innovation and inclusion and position Togo as one of the major technological hubs in West Africa by 2025.